By Roderick Overman
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been thinking about who we human beings really are. About why we’re here. I’ve come to the conclusion that it’s actually very simple – We are ambassadors of vision and love.
On the surface it appears we’re all daughters, sons, mothers, fathers, clerks, restaurant workers, construction workers, baristas, bank tellers, clients and patients, marketing representatives, managers, computer programmers, web developers, naturopaths, corporate executives, lawyers etc. etc. It appears as though some may be friends and some may be enemies.
The problem is there is a grain of truth in who we are on the surface, so the ego is busy focusing on that small, narrow, easy to define and easy to control truth – trying to make it the bigger, absolute truth so it can maintain it’s charade of being in control and keeping us “safe.” The bigger truth I’ve come to realize, is that there is a bigger truth, a much bigger truth. That truth is more difficult to grasp, more difficult for the ego to control, more difficult to understand and more challenging to embrace – but allows us to live grounded, connected, yet free and joyful. What is that bigger truth? For me it’s that first and foremost – we are really ambassadors of vision and love.
As Jim Carey says in a funny and inspiring commencement speech (Jim Carey MUM Graduation Speech) he gave in 2014 (at the Maharishi School of Management) – “All we have will rot and fall away, and all that will be left is what was in our heart… You will only ever have two choices – love and fear. Choose love, and never let fear turn you against your playful heart.”
In 2017 I’m committing to being who I really am – an ambassador of vision and love. Care to join me?